Cleaning Tips for Back-to-School

These simple tips will help prepare your home for the new school year. You know the impact of the transition from summer vacation to school on your daily routines, including your cleaning habits. Everybody’s schedules become more chaotic, so there is less time to clean. You can organize your home and bring order to chaos with a little planning.

Get Rid Of Too-Small, Rarely-Worn Clothes

You can make your back-to-school cleaning success easier by minimizing clutter from the beginning. Make sure you have enough storage space to store your children’s clothes. To help your children identify what is suitable for them and what isn’t, sit down and go through their drawers and closets together.

Create an Entryway Station to Sell Shoes, Coats, and Backpacks

Seattle’s weather is unpredictable once school begins. You can expect muddy boots, rain jackets and dropped backpacks. Create a designated area in your entryway for all those items. This will prevent dirt and mud from being tracked throughout your home. This will protect your hardwood floors and prolong their lives. You can find all 18 of our entryway organization tips.

Get your kids on the right track with a chore chart.

The best way to make back-to-school cleaning successful is when everyone in the family participates. Before the school year starts, give your children the tools to help them create a chore list with you. This will allow them to get used to the daily and weekly cleaning chores. This link has great chore chart ideas with appropriate suggestions for all ages.

Take some time to relax.

Do not let the school year drag on. There is no need to clean up every day. After dinner, let the dishes sit in warm soapy water in a sink while you and your family relax with a favorite TV show or video game. After a soak, they’ll be much easier to clean and will have more time for you to relax every evening.

Have Fun Cleaning School

It doesn’t matter if you are cleaning with your kids or alone while they’re at school; it is important to make cleaning fun. Although cleaning is an essential task, it shouldn’t be something we dread. While cleaning, we recommend listening to upbeat music and dancing along. You can also make cleaning more enjoyable by choosing the products you love. This will allow you to enjoy using them and then you’ll be able to relax in your home after the cleaning is finished.


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