How to Clean Marble Floors

A primer on marble flooring is necessary before we can start cleaning it. Marble is porous and should be sealed in high-moisture areas such as bathrooms and kitchens. It can be sealed or left unsealed in hallways and living rooms.

Cultured Marble is a synthetic material that closely resembles natural stone and is less porous due to the gel coating applied during production. Other than that, cultured Marble is less expensive, and natural Marble will appear deeper, while cultured Marble will be more polished.

Whether natural or cultured, Marble has an unmistakable quality that transforms homes and offices. Marble countertops, vanities, and flooring are durable and beautiful. It’s easy to keep marble floors looking great if you have the right knowledge. You won’t be able to do a quick clean like you can with vinyl flooring. However, these marble floor care tips can make it easier.

Regular sweeping and dry mopping are good ways to keep marble floors clean. However, marble floors can become dull and stained, just like hardwood floors or laminate floors. The best cleaner for marble floors is the first step in cleaning them. Marble flooring, like all hard surfaces, requires special cleaners to remove dirt and grime. You can buy commercial marble floor cleaners, but you can also use household products like vinegar to clean marble floors.

Which is the best marble floor cleaner?

Knowing the best marble floor cleaner for your floors is important to keep them looking great. It doesn’t matter if you have sealed or unsealed marble flooring or cultured Marble. Here are some tips to help keep your marble floors looking great. Marble floors can be damaged by all-purpose cleaners, bleach and abrasive scrubbers.

Any steamer or steam mop is another floor cleaner you should avoid. It’s easy to understand why Marble is so durable and solid. This makes steam cleaning a good option. The constant heat from a steam mop can cause permanent damage to marble floors.

  • The soapless cleaner that has a neutral pH
  • Dishwashing detergent that is phosphate-free
  • Stone soap for marble floors

These floor cleaners can remove dirt buildup and most stains and expensive over-the-counter marble cleaners.

You can also use DIY cleaners that contain ingredients such as distilled vinegar or hydrogen peroxide for Marble. However, these should only be used to remove stains. These natural cleaners can be used as a primary cleaner, but they can also corrode Marble, leaving it looking dull and dingy. Let’s now learn the best marble floor cleaners.

Tips to Keep Your Marble Floors Shiny and Bright

Cleaning stained carpets, your favorite shirt and marble floors all share one thing: getting rid of stains. Nothing is worse than drying your newly cleaned marble floor and finding a stain. These are some tips to help keep stains in check and make regular cleaning much easier.

How to remove stains from marble floors

It is normal for marble floors to get stained. However, treating those stains and how fast can make a big difference in maintaining a beautiful floor.

Fresh Stains

Stains should be treated as soon as possible as Marble can absorb them deeper into the grain. Bright-colored stains can seep into your floors quickly, depending on how well they are sealed.

  • Use a paper towel or a clean cloth to remove any stains. Next, rub the affected area with white vinegar.
  • Use dish soap and water to clean the area.
  • Use a damp, clean cloth to rinse the area and dry it.
  • This process can be repeated as many times as necessary.

Set Stains

You will need to use more stain-fighting strength and elbow grease if you discover a stain that has been set. Food stains, especially coffee, tea and fruits, can penetrate Marble and leave a stain. To remove these stains, you can use hydrogen peroxide instead of vinegar. Let the hydrogen peroxide cover the stain for at least 30 minutes. Use a damp cloth to wipe the stain off and dry the area. Voila! Stain-free Marble.


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