You may find it difficult to choose from the many retail cleaning products available if you plan on cleaning your entire home during summer. It is possible to prefer something natural or at least something you can pronounce.
You might decide to switch to natural cleaning products to help the environment and save money. We will be focusing on natural, homemade cleaning products to ensure that your home is clean and safe while also reducing your carbon footprint. If you prefer to leave the cleaning up to the professionals while you enjoy the summer sun, you can hire a recurring cleaning company.
Natural Carpet Stain Removal
You will need a spray bottle, a vacuum cleaner, water, white vinegar and baking soda to make this homemade natural cleaning product. You will first need to apply a lot of baking soda on the area you want to clean. Then, you’ll need to combine a half and half mixture of water and vinegar in a spray bottle. This will give you the perfect solution. Spray the solution on top of the baking soda. The foaming and bubbling caused by spraying the solution onto baking soda is completely safe, harmless, and even kind of fun. The solution will then be ready to go after a few hours. Let the solution sit for at least three hours. This is where the fun begins. You will now need to use your nylon brush. You will need to use the brush to apply the solution to your carpet stain. Be careful not to rub too hard as this could damage or disturb sensitive carpet fibres. After you have cleaned the problem area, it is time to let it dry. To be safe, we recommend that it dry overnight. Vacuuming the carpet is the final step. You will notice a chalky appearance and texture when you get up in the morning. You will need to vacuum the area with your vacuum cleaner in order to remove the chalky residue. You can also gently remove any residue left over from vacuuming with a clean cloth.
Natural T Shirt Stain Remover
Unsightly yellow stains can be found underarms of white t-shirts. These unattractive stains can be easily removed with many household items you likely already own. To make this natural t shirt stain remover, you’ll need a spoon, a bucket, small container of vinegar, a towel and some water. Start by adding 2 cups of tepid and 1 cup vinegar to your bucket. Then, soak the stained shirt in the bucket for 30 minutes. Next, combine half a cup baking soda, one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon salt into a small container or bowl. Continue to combine the three ingredients with a spoon until you get a paste. The mixture should be applied to the stain and allowed to dry for a while. Place the t-shirt on a towel to expose the stain. Continue to coat the shirt with the paste mixture. Let the paste sit for approximately 30 minutes, just like the soak. Fourth, wash your tee shirt as usual by running it through your washer. After you’ve finished the load, you should inspect the t-shirt before you put it in the dryer. You may find that some stains are still visible. Do not wash the stained shirt with other clothes. The dryer can cause the stains even more to stick to the shirt. Instead, wash it twice to get rid of any stains before putting it in the dryer.
Natural Wood & Tile Floor Cleaner
Many people think that you need to use a powerful, commercially available cleaner to clean tile or wood floors. However, there are many homemade cleaning products you can use that are just the same and much cheaper. A spray mop, water and white vinegar are all you need to make a natural tile and wood floor cleaner. If you don’t have a spray mop, you can use a bucket with a cloth. Start by combining 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 gallon of warm water. You don’t need as much if you are working in a smaller area. If this is the case, you can use a fraction of your mixture if you wish. We recommend that you make the entire batch at once, as it can be stored for future use. Some people might be put off the vinegar’s pungent scent. You can add some essential oils to the mixture.
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